Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

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Read our contributions on current trends from the IT world, news about our company and our solution for application deployment as well as customer success stories.

News about the oneclick™ Mesh network, automatic execution of Windows tasks, the improved management console and further product innovations.
Gartner® includes the oneclick™ platform in the current Hype Cycle Report in the category "Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS)".
Why the ROLAND Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-AG chose oneclick™ as its solution and what goals and successes have been achieved through its use.
News about access management, collaboration, market presence, and a free analyst report in the oneclick Stakeholder Update May 2022.
Why VertiGis chose oneclick™ as its solution and what goals and successes have been achieved through its use.
Why the Tilch Group chose oneclick™ as its solution and what goals and successes have been achieved through its use.
Read what the Log4J vulnerability is, what the threat is, and where to find the latest update statuses from the affected companies.
How to create an efficient and appealing modern home office, focusing on furniture, lighting, and avoiding common design errors.
oneclick™ unified workspace as relevant workplace technologies to keep users connected, flexible and productive.
Successful cybersecurity management protects the most confidential data, increases work efficiency, and improves collaboration.
With oneclick™, you improve the user experience of your employees through innovative technologies and automated processes.
Unrecognizable male voter holds in his hand a ballot above the ballot box
temino relies on the oneclick™ platform for the secure and web-based delivery of its IT security and data protection solution ISiMap.
i-soft cooperates with oneclick AG to make social care facilities "mobile" in a secure and uncomplicated way.
oneclickTM simplifies IT provisioning by providing a cloud platform that ensures consistent management across different deployment settings.
VISPA promotes efficient collaboration and strengthens the performance of organizations through interactive, virtual meetings.

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