Service Level Agreement (“SLA“)
of oneclick AG, CH-8008 Zürich (hereinafter “oneclick”) for the oneclick platform (hereinafter “oneclick™”).
Version 01.05.2023
This General Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) is designed as an addition to the fundamentally applicable General Terms and Conditions of Business and Licensing (GBLT) as well as the terms of use and describes the quality parameters that oneclick has set as its goal for the platform of the same name and all services offered (hereinafter “platform”). Furthermore, this SLA defines the support for services offered by oneclick or used by the customer.
This SLA applies to all customers of oneclick, unless the customer has agreed to an individual service level agreement (see section 12.2 of the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Licensing). For infrastructure and software products of third-party providers that are made utilisable to the end user by oneclick or made usable for the customer, this SLA does not apply or is separately stated (see section 12.11 of the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Licensing).
On the part of the customer, the following conditions must be met at all times in order for this SLA and support to be provided by oneclick:
- The customer’s contact information is up to date, see section “Customer’s Duty to Cooperate”.
- The customer has fulfilled his payment obligations towards oneclick or towards a sales partner / reseller / technology partner (hereinafter referred to as “partner”) and is not in arrears with any payment. A justifiably withheld payment on the part of the customer is not considered a default in the sense of this agreement.
- The customer’s subscriptions/licenses must be in “active” status.
Business hours and Time Designation
Business hours are from monday to friday (excluding public holidays) from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm CET. For commercial and administrative requests, oneclick is available during these hours.
All time designations in this SLA are given in central european time MET (CET, UTC+1) for winter time or CET (CEST, MEZ UTC+2) for summer time. Public holidays are all official state (Germany) and regional (Bavaria) holidays.
Support Center, Support Hours
Support hours are defined in the different support packages and ranges from periods during peak business hours to around the clock on all days of the year (24/7/365). Support is provided on behalf of oneclick AG, Zurich Switzerland by OC Development GmbH, Sonntagshornstr. 18, 83278 Traunstein, Germany, which is responsible for the development, operation and service of the platform and is a subsidiary company of oneclick Group AG, Zurich, Switzerland.
Data Privacy
The processing of personal data in the context of the provision of support services is carried out in compliance with the privacy policy. The customer undertakes to use and operate the platform and the associated data and information exchange in compliance with the applicable laws and data protection regulations concerning him (e.g. Swiss Data Protection Act, EU-DSGVO) and to protect the property rights of third-party companies. The customer shall indemnify and hold oneclick harmless from any claims of third-party companies upon first request.
A. Security and Availability
1. Security Measures
oneclick ensures that its own platform infrastructure fully complies with the contractual agreements in terms of services and availability and that the entire platform infrastructure is always kept up to date with the latest technology and physically secured.
2. Measures for Quality Assurance
The following general measures are taken by oneclick to ensure the quality of the platform operation:
- Proactive network monitoring
- Path redundant internet connections
- Segmentation of the network into protected and public areas
- Use of firewall systems and intelligent monitoring systems
- Georedundant backup of all systems incl. Disaster Recovery Management (DRM)
3. Availability of the oneclick™ Platform
The temporal availability of the platform is expressed as service time in percentage and describes the duration in which the platform is available without interruption within the time the support is available:
Availability = (Support Time (Downtime – Interruption Time) / Support Time) ∗ 100
Explanation of the applied formula:
Availability: availability of the oneclick™ platform in percent.
Support time: Agreed support time (AST).
Downtime: Downtime refers to the period of time during which the oneclick™ platform is not available during the agreed support times. Platform interruptions in connection with announced maintenance work and the provision of new oneclick™ versions (“releases”) are deducted from the downtime. Downtime begins when an incident ticket is opened with oneclick and ends when availability is restored.
Interruption time: The interruption time refers to the period of time during an outage in which oneclick is unable to restore the service through no fault of its own (e.g. if the customer is unavailable). The interruption time reduces the downtime and is therefore deducted from it.
If the platform availability guaranteed in the support package booked by the customer is undercut, the customer will receive a credit according to the section “Granting of credits”.
4. Availability Zones
oneclick is operating its platform infrastructure in several tested data centres at leading IaaS providers (multi-cloud).
Each oneclick™ delivery cluster corresponds to its own availability zone, which ensures the greatest possible operational autonomy from other zones as well as regionality. Streaming, hybrid drive instances and other services are provided in a regional oneclick™ delivery cluster.
The local oneclick™ delivery clusters (list to be extended continuously) are located in:
- Netherlands, Eemshaven
- Germany, Magdeburg
North America
- USA, South Carolina
The central control of the regional oneclick™ delivery clusters is carried out – as is usual and technologically necessary for global web applications – by two independent and highly available core centres in the following European data centres (list to be extended continuously):
- GDC: Google Data Center, Eemshaven, Netherlands, Tier 3
- OTC: Open Telekom Cloud (OTC), Biere, Germany, Tier 3+.
The oneclick™ core centres provide in particular the central login websites:
as portals as well as other controlling functions, which communicate with the regional oneclick™ Delivery Clusters via encrypted connections using Application Programming Interfaces (API). Only the oneclick™ Delivery Clusters have encrypted access to connected target systems of a customer environment at an IaaS provider, e.g. via public IP with whitelisting, VPN or the oneclick™ Mesh network. The oneclick™ core centres do not technically encounter customer environments. A possible service degradation in one of the oneclick™ Core Centres therefore has no direct impact on the operation of the regional oneclick™ delivery Clusters.
Instead of the oneclick™ login, customers can also integrate other identity providers into the login process to the oneclick™ platform if desired (e.g. an existing Microsoft Active Directory AD DS or Microsoft AAD), so that user information are not stored at oneclick™, e.g. due to compliance requirements.
When a new customer account is created in oneclick™, both the core centre and the regional availability zone are permanently configured. A change of the oneclick™ core centre or the regional oneclick™ delivery cluster can be ordered from the oneclick™ sales department at a charge. In this case, please contact your sales contact person for advice.
5. Maintenance Work on the Platform
As part of the software maintenance, oneclick ensures a smooth operation of the platform. oneclick limits unannounced service interruptions to a possible minimum. All maintenance work around the platform including the deployment of new versions (“releases”) are announced on the oneclick status page at Usually, maintenance work is announced two calendar weeks before it is performed. On the oneclick status page, the user can subscribe to the announcements in order to proactively receive information.
oneclick™ performs maintenance work in subsequent maintenance windows:
Standard maintenance window | Friday, 10:00 pm till Saturday, 4:00 am CET |
Maintenance window for more extensive tasks, lasting more than six hours (including rollback scenario) | Friday, 10:00 pm till Monday, 5:00 am CET |
Unscheduled interruptions will be communicated to the customers primarily via deposit on the platform, if possible at least three working days in advance. In emergencies and in order to remedy or avoid major outages, oneclick may also perform maintenance work during other times at its own discretion and with consideration for the needs of the customers.
6. Further Development / New Versions
The platform is subject to ongoing further development. The further development includes, among other things, the improvement of existing functions, the functional expansion and the adaptation to technological changes. Upon payment of the license fees, the customer receives access to the latest version of the oneclick™ platform (“stable version”).
B. Support
1. Definitions
1.1 Internet Service Provider („ISP“)
An ISP (Internet Service Provider, sometimes also called IAP for Internet Access Provider) is a company that connects individuals, organizations and companies to the internet and all the associated services. This SLA refers primarily to the provision of a technical connection to the public internet.
1.2 Incident
A cross-ISP malfunction in the accessibility of the platform or restrictions in the sense of the functionality of the platform defined and provided by oneclick for use are referred to as an incident. For the sake of simplicity, no differentiation is made in this SLA in the definition between a short-term and a one-time event as well as recurring problems with more extensive effects. In all cases, the measurements, rights and obligations described in this SLA apply.
1.3 Support Requests
All contact and correspondence not related or related to an incident are defined as support requests to oneclick.
1.4 First-Level-Support by oneclick
The oneclick™ support provides direct assistance to the customer and strives to resolve incidents and process support requests in a customer-oriented manner. In doing so, oneclick™ support serves as a central contact for the customer, independent of any assistance that may be required from second-level support.
1.5 Second-Level-Support by oneclick
If required and if possible and reasonable, the oneclick™ first level support uses resources of the oneclick company group, e.g. from the domain of software development or infrastructure operation. The exchange usually takes place internally on a ticket basis and per incident. The processing time depends on the severity and complexity of the solution and cannot be influenced by oneclick™ first-level support.
1.6 Second-Level-Support by third-party Companies
In addition, oneclick™ provides support for hardware and software products from third-party providers that are purchased and licensed via oneclick, e.g. Microsoft (Server OS, Client OS, Office, Office 365, Microsoft 365, Azure, Azure Services (e.g. Azure Active Directory AAD), MS SQL, Dynamics, etc.), WithSecure, Acronis, Ezeep, Fabulatech, etc., if the customer has booked a corresponding support package. In this case, oneclick™ Support forwards the support requests to the respective product manufacturer (second-level support), whereby the second-level support of the product manufacturer is decisive for the extent and the level of services that can be provided as well as the solution times. The processing time depends on the severity and complexity of the solution and cannot be influenced by oneclick™ first-level support. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) of the respective second-level support of the third-party providers apply. The oneclick™ Service Level Agreement (SLA) is not applicable for the support of hardware and software products of third-party providers.
The basic SLA of the third-party providers mentioned earlier are available as follows:
Microsoft: Standard SLA for Online Services
WithSecure: Product Support
Acronis: Product Support
Ezeep: Product Support
With some of the support offers of oneclick, the customer can benefit from extended support services of the third-party providers, which oneclick holds as the respective technology and sales partner. However, in this context, oneclick does not guarantee the extended support services of third-party providers that go beyond the basic SLA of the third-party providers, as these are in the responsibility of the third-party providers and are not provided by oneclick.
2. The oneclick™ Support
- Highly specialized team of engineers and developers with several years of experience in platform operation, virtualization and programming
- Extended support plans available according to individual needs
- Access to product support portal with up-to-date documentation and FAQ database at
- State-of-the-art support center for fast and efficient delivery of requests
- Support in English and German
oneclick provides comprehensive first-level and second-level support for the oneclick™ platform of the same name marketed by oneclick within the extent of the support package agreed with the end user / end customer.
In the case of user licenses provided by oneclick, e.g. for testing purposes, there is no entitlement to the services from support packages; in this case, the provision of support services by oneclick is at its own discretion.
3. Support Services for the Platform
oneclick is designed as a self-service platform and is offered, operated and marketed as such. The many powerful functions of the platform result in a wide range of possible uses. oneclick exclusively provides free support for the accessibility and basic technical usability of the oneclick platform and the functions provided by oneclick, but not their application. This includes:
- the technical availability of the various oneclick™ platform availability zones,
- the login to the oneclick™ platform, excluding multi-factor authentication and identification systems from third parties, e.g. Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD),
- the technical availability of the oneclick™ apps “Desk”, “Admin”, “Customer Admin” and “Hybrid Drive”,
- the technical availability of the oneclick™ streaming services (“streaming cluster”), excluding incoming and outgoing connections via public cloud as well as connected or used endpoints (server, proxy, router, firewall, end devices).
4. Chargeable Support Services
Upon customer request and if possible, oneclick provides support for general assistance in the use of the platform functions described on the help web pages ( Depending on the support package booked by the customer, these are inclusive or chargeable services, in particular for:
- Configuration and use of all functions in the oneclick™ platform area “Resources”,
- Setup, configuration and operation of VPN IPsec connections as well as assistance with the setup and configuration of VPN endpoints, e.g. VPN routers or firewalls used in conjunction with the oneclick™ platform,
- Second-level support of third-party hardware and software products purchased and licensed through oneclick,
- oneclick™ streaming services (“streaming clusters”) for incoming and outgoing connections via public cloud as well as the incoming and outgoing endpoints (server, proxy, router, firewall, endpoints),
- Use and configuration of virtual machines (VM), whether as stand-alone VM or as part of a multi-server or VDI concept,
- Specific tasks from customer projects.
Work performed by oneclick for support requests and support services for the analysis and elimination of malfunctions for which the cause is not the responsibility of oneclick, as well as for all other work performed by oneclick, e.g. for consulting and engineering services, will be charged to the customer according to the current oneclick price list based on actual time and effort.
5. Exclusions Support and Responsibilities
In general, oneclick does not provide support for any software installed and/or executed on physical devices or virtual machines by customers or third parties, as well as all configurations and adaptations of operating system components coming along with such software or any other software. Furthermore, the provision of support services excludes:
- All components and configurations of customer-owned systems of any kind,
- All licenses and products not provided by oneclick,
- All infrastructure components not provided by oneclick,
- All data and files of the customer or third parties,
- Availability and quality of internet access of the customer or his service providers,
- All services provided under the responsibility of partners, e.g. provision of infrastructure components by IaaS providers.
Furthermore, the obligations assumed in this SLA do not apply in the following cases of malfunction:
- Failure to meet the SLA caused by customer or the customer’s software,
- Customer’s unusual configurations, data uploads and API usage causing oneclick™ to malfunction,
- Scheduled maintenance,
- Compliance with laws and orders of government and government-authorized institutions,
- Force majeure
6. Troubleshooting and Remedy
oneclick accepts reports of malfunctions of the platform (“incidents”) during support hours in accordance with the support package booked by the customer and remedies malfunctions of the platform that are the subject of the contract.
6.1 Proactive Troubleshooting
If troubleshooting is carried out proactively according to the support package, the service is monitored by oneclick™ monitoring systems during the agreed support times. In case of an alarm, oneclick informs the customer’s technical contact within the response time and initiates a diagnosis. The customer receives a confirmation in the form of an incident ticket with a unique ticket number. All activities related to the incident are commented on in this ticket.
6.2 Reactive Troubleshooting
If troubleshooting is carried out reactively in accordance with the support package, the service is initiated by the receipt of a malfunction report from the customer. The customer receives a confirmation in the form of an incident ticket with a unique ticket number. All activities related to the incident are commented in this ticket.
6.3 Contacts to the oneclick™ Support
The following contact channels to oneclick support are available: | |
Support-Portal | |
Support-Hotline within support times | +49 861 88 128 128 88 |
Assigned Support-Agent | Will be communicated separately |
Assigned Support-Manager | Will be communicated separately |
Assigned Projectmanager | Will be communicated separately |
6.4 Duty to cooperate and technical contact of the customer
The customer must comprehensively document any incident towards oneclick and proactively report it to oneclick within the extent of the agreed contact options of his booked support package. oneclick is entitled to change the agreed priority level to a lower priority level if the customer is not able to provide suitable resources or reactions to enable oneclick to continue its efforts to resolve the problem.
Information related to incidents will be sent to the customer’s technical contact, to the contact details stored in the platform via email, SMS, chat services or telephone. The technical contact is defined in the platform and is managed by the customer. In case of incorrect contact data or in case of non-availability, oneclick cannot fulfill the contractual obligations and the troubleshooting will be delayed or interrupted. Therefore, always keep the contact data in the platform up to date.
6.5 Response Time
The response time describes the speed oneclick reacts to certain events with. In the context of a malfunction, the response time starts with the opening of an incident ticket due to the detection of the fault by the oneclick™ monitoring systems (“Monitoring”) or the receipt of a malfunction report by the customer and ends with the confirmation of the malfunction to the customer. If the response time guaranteed in the support package is exceeded, the customer will receive a credit in accordance with the section “Granting of Credits”.
6.6 Recovery Time
The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) describes the maximum permissible period of time for the recovery of the platform following a disruption. The recovery time starts with the opening of a corresponding incident ticket due to the detection of the disruption by the oneclick™ monitoring systems (“monitoring”) or the receipt of a corresponding message by the customer. It ends with the successful recovery of the platform by oneclick. If the recovery time guaranteed in the service contract is exceeded, the customer will receive a credit according to the section “Granting of Credits”.
7. Severity Level
Incidents can be caused by, among other things, oneclick components, third-party components, infrastructure components or disturbances in the general network stability on the internet. oneclick always strives to guarantee the operation of the platform despite these influences. In the event of an incident, the classification of the priority (hereinafter “severity level”) of the request is made by mutual agreement with the customer’s technical contact as the persons authorized to provide support to the customer. The following classification criteria apply as a guideline:
Severity Level 1
Complete platform failure, e.g. calling up the oneclick™ platform login pages indicates a system error or the oneclick™ services are not accessible across different Internet Service Providers (ISP).
Severity Level 2
The functions of the platform are severely restricted or not available, the use of the platform is almost impossible, e.g. set up and previously functional VPN connections in oneclick are no longer available in the user interface.
Severity Level 3
Individual less important functions are not available or important functions are only available by bypassing the problem, e.g. the oneclick™ Hybrid Drive is temporarily not available or not fully usable.
Severity Level 4
All other support requests.
8. Support Programs
The oneclick™ user licenses paid for by the end customer include the “Bronze” support package for use of the platform, unless otherwise agreed in writing when the product is specified or the contract is concluded.
Customers can also book a higher support package and thus increase the support services compared to the “Bronze” program. A change to a higher support package is possible at any time via oneclick sales and oneclick support. A change to a lower support package can be arranged by the oneclick sales department. In this case, please contact your sales contact.
The support package “Silver” is available with a monthly and annual term, the support packages “Gold” and “Platinum” with an annual term.
Extent of services of the various programs:
Support Service / Extent | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Platinum |
Availabillity of the platform | ||||
Usage of the Platform | ||||
Configuration of oneclick™ Mesh | ||||
Setup of automations | ||||
Performance-issues with the use of streaming | ||||
Connectivity and accessibility of destinations* | ||||
Configuration of oneclick™ VPN incl. troubleshooting | ||||
24/7 Support |
* in environments provided by oneclick
The Support Program “Bronze”
The guaranteed platform availability
365 days of the year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day | 99,90% in annual quarter |
Included Support Services
Support Times | Monday – Friday, 09 am to 05 pm CET excluding holidays |
Contact to the oneclick™ Support | |
Classification | Reactive support |
Proactive Information | Status page incl. the E-Mail-notifications available on the status page |
Matrix of Escalation | Not included |
Second-Level-Support Microsoft Products | Not included |
Second-Level-Support Ezeep Products | Not included |
Second-Level-Support WithSecure Products | Not included |
Second-Level-Support Acronis Products | Not included |
Second-Level-Support of other Providers | Not included |
The response times of the oneclick™ support and notified resolution times within the support availabilities
Response Time | Resolution Time | |
Severity Level 1 | 12h | < 24h |
Severity Level 2 | 24h | < 48h |
Severity Level 3 | 48h | < 96h |
Severity Level 4 | 48h | – |
The Support Program “Silver”
The guaranteed platform availability
365 days of the year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day | 99,95% in annual quarter |
Included Support Services
Support Times | Monday – Friday, 08 am to 06 pm CET excluding holidays |
Contact to the oneclick™ Support | – E-Mail – Support hotline – Chat on the platform-website |
Classification | Reactive support |
Proactive Information | Status page incl. the E-Mail-notifications available on the status page |
Matrix of Escalation | Support team leader |
Second-Level-Support Microsoft Products | Default plan for business and enterprise license software |
Second-Level-Support Ezeep Products | Default plan |
Second-Level-Support WithSecure Products | Default plan with the Managed Security Package |
Second-Level-Support Acronis Products | Default plan with the Managed Backup Package |
Second-Level-Support of other Providers | Not included |
The response times of the oneclick™ support and notified resolution times within the support availabilities
Response Time | Resolution Time | |
Severity Level 1 | 8h | < 12h |
Severity Level 2 | 12h | < 24h |
Severity Level 3 | 24h | < 48h |
Severity Level 4 | 48h | – |
The Support Program “Gold”
The guaranteed platform availability
365 days of the year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day | 99,99% in annual quarter |
Included Support Services
Support Times | Monday – Friday, 06 am to 08 pm CET excluding holidays |
Contact to the oneclick™ Support | – E-Mail – Support hotline – Chat on the platform-website – Assigned support agent |
Classification | Proactive support |
Proactive Information | – Status page incl. the E-Mail-notifications available on the status page – Short Message systems |
Matrix of Escalation | Support team leader CPO |
Second-Level-Support Microsoft Products | Advanced Support for Partners-Plan in business and enterprise-license software |
Second-Level-Support Ezeep Products | Default plan |
Second-Level-Support WithSecure Products | Silver plan with Managed Security Package |
Second-Level-Support Acronis Products | Silver plan with Managed Backup Package |
Second-Level-Support of other Providers | Default Plan |
The response times of the oneclick™ support and notified resolution times within the support availabilities
Response Time | Resolution Time | |
Severity Level 1 | 8h | < 12h |
Severity Level 2 | 12h | < 24h |
Severity Level 3 | 24h | < 48h |
Severity Level 4 | 48h | – |
The Support Program “Platinum”
The guaranteed platform availability
365 days of the year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day | 99,99% monthly |
Included Support Services
Support Times | Monday – Sunday, 24 hours including holidays |
Contact to the oneclick™ Support | – E-Mail – Support hotline – Assigned support manager – Assigned project manager |
Classification | Proactive support |
Proactive Information | – Status page incl. the E-Mail-notifications available on the status page – Short Message systems – Telephone |
Matrix of Escalation | Support team leader CPO, CTO |
Second-Level-Support Microsoft Products | Premier Support for Partners-Plan in business and enterprise-license software |
Second-Level-Support Ezeep Products | Enterprise plan |
Second-Level-Support WithSecure Products | Gold plan with Managed Security Package |
Second-Level-Support Acronis Products | Gold plan with Managed Backup Package |
Second-Level-Support of other Providers | Default Plan |
The response times of the oneclick™ support and notified resolution times within the support availabilities
Response Time | Resolution Time | |
Severity Level 1 | 4h | < 8h |
Severity Level 2 | 8h | < 12h |
Severity Level 3 | 12h | < 24h |
Severity Level 4 | 24h | – |
C. Legal consequences of violating the SLA
1. Violation by oneclick
oneclick is obligated to process or rectify any errors that occur to the best of its knowledge and in accordance with the technically applicable standard. The customer is also referred in particular to section 12 of the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Licensing and the regulation there regarding defects or defect rectification. If the response and resolution times for the support packages are not met according to the classification of the support tiers, oneclick shall compensate the customer with a reduction of the monthly subscription costs, and the customer shall receive a credit note according to the section “Granting of Credits”.
2. Granting of Credits
The amount of credit for violations of this SLA is governed by this section. The amount of the credit shown in the table is final. All other warranty claims, liability claims and claims for damages of the customer against oneclick in connection with the operation of the platform, regardless of the title which they are based on, are excluded subject to mandatory applicable legal provisions. Any credits to be paid by oneclick will be credited to the customer at the next possible billing of the oneclick™ licenses used.
The following table shows the amount of the credit in case of non-compliance with the guaranteed platform availability:
Amount of Credits | Guaranteed Availibility | |||||
99,99% | 99,95% | 99,90% | ||||
Availibility | Downtime | Availibility | Downtime | Availibility | Downtime | |
20% MRC | < 99,99% | > 00:04:23 | < 99,95% | > 00:21:55 | < 99,90% | > 00:43:50 |
40% MRC | < 99,89% | > 00:48:13 | < 99,75% | > 01:49:34 | < 99,60% | > 02:55:19 |
60% MRC | < 99,79% | > 01:32:03 | < 99,55% | > 03:17:14 | < 99,30% | > 05:06:49 |
80% MRC | < 99,69% | > 02:15:52 | < 99,35% | > 04:44:54 | < 99,00% | > 07:18:18 |
100% MRC | < 99,59% | > 02:59:42 | < 99,15% | > 06:12:33 | < 98,70 | > 09:29:47 |
The amount of the credit granted depends on the achieved availability and corresponds to the stated percentage value of the price regularly paid to oneclick on a monthly basis for the oneclick™ platform (MRC, Monthly Recurring Charge) of the oneclick™ licenses used, whereby the last three months are taken as the consideration period for the MRC in the case of monthly license contract terms and the last 6 months in the case of annual contract terms. Only one line can be applied at a time, the credits will not be cumulated.
a. The platform has a guaranteed availability of 99.90%. The customer’s average cost for oneclick™ licenses is EUR 100.00 per month.
b. Due to an outage the effective availability of the oneclick platform was 99.25% in one month.
c. oneclick compensates EUR 60.00 to the customer due to non-compliance with the availability.
The guaranteed availability corresponds to the contractually guaranteed availability according to the support package booked by the customer. Only one of the three values in the table can be applied.
Any credit must be claimed against oneclick™, in case of other exclusion, in writing within one month from the end of the period of guaranteed platform availability. With the credit note, all claims of the customer – of whatever kind – arising from the restrictions of the guaranteed availability are settled. The discount shall only be applied in the form of a credit.
The specified downtime is understood to be in hours, minutes and seconds and has only an illustrative character.
D. Final Provisions
Previous Versions, Validity
oneclick provides the respective current SLA version in text form on the oneclick website at With this SLA, all previous SLAs lose their validity. The current version applies unless a different agreement has been made with a customer in a priority individual contract.
With this SLA version, the previous support packages are also merged into the support packages defined in this SLA as follows, whereby the customer automatically benefits from the newly defined services with the publication of this SLA:
Previous Support Package | Bronze | Silver | Gold | Platinum |
New Support-Package from this SLA | Bronze | Silver | Silver | Gold |
Salvatory Clause
If any wording or clauses in this SLA are deemed by a court to be legally invalid or unenforceable, then such statements will be qualified to the minimum extent necessary or removed or replaced with a legally enforceable statement that expresses the intent of this SLA so that this SLA remains in full force and effect.