oneclick has been recognized in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Desktop as a Service (DaaS).

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Read our contributions on current trends from the IT world, news about our company and our solution for application deployment as well as customer success stories.

News about the oneclick™ Mesh network, automatic execution of Windows tasks, the improved management console and further product innovations.
Gartner® includes the oneclick™ platform in the current Hype Cycle Report in the category "Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS)".
News about access management, collaboration, market presence, and a free analyst report in the oneclick Stakeholder Update May 2022.
oneclick™ unified workspace as relevant workplace technologies to keep users connected, flexible and productive.
With oneclick™, you improve the user experience of your employees through innovative technologies and automated processes.
The oneclick™ platform is listed in the current Gartner® 2020 Hype Cycle Report as an innovative technology with enormous potential.
Voice over IP now also works a in virtual environments - colpari is one of the first company to use the new 2-way audio function of the oneclick™ platform.
Our partner Delta Systemtechnik Horn GmbH recommends oneclick™ as a very suitable solution for home office workspaces for companies.
Since 2016, has been relying on oneclick AG in the form of a technical partnership. The project has now been awarded one of the Stevie Awards.
We are honoured to announce that oneclick was awarded platinum at The Enterprise Workspace Awards in the ‘Digital Workspace’ category.
oneclick has been featured in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Unified Workspaces report 2019 for the second time in a row after 2018.
We explain what a Unified Workspace is, which advantages it brings and how it can be implemented easily and effectively at the same time.
Work becomes mobile - and companies must be prepared for it. We introduce the so-called Workspace Aggregator as a pioneer for productive, mobile working.
Read here what VPN is about, why it doesn't have to be the ideal solution for secure internet access and why oneclick™ is a suitable VPN alternative.
Citrix Alternative: Microsoft RDS, Citrix or Parallels? As a Cloud-Native Platform, oneclick AG offers more convincing reasons with their solution.

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