Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

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Read our contributions on current trends from the IT world, news about our company and our solution for application deployment as well as customer success stories.

Mobile Device Management includes the administrative management of mobile devices with the help of a dedicated software solution ► Read on!
On-Premises describes the traditional licensing and usage model for server based computer programmes running on a company’s hardware ► Read on!
The oneclick™ Platform enables mobile, easy and secure access to computationally intensive 3D applications, even from thin clients.
Platform-as-a-Service is a cloud-based solution for the development of web-based apps and business applications ► Read on!
Improved performance and ease of use of the cloud storage integrated in the oneclick™ platform.
Cyber attacks have become more frequent and wide-ranging. One tool to protect yourself from malicious attacks is the oneclick™ Platform.
As of now, the oneclick™ platform is available as a white label. Your own company logo or key visual can be integrated into the oneclick™ Desk.
The line between work and spare time becomes more and more blurred. How digital workspaces help to make uncompromising working patterns more flexible.
Shaping their daily working life themselves is important to German employees, as a survey entitled "Work Motivation 2016“ has shown.
Remote Desktop and/or Remote Access for private and business users ✓ Advantages and disadvantages ✓ Remote Desktop Tools ► Continue reading
oneclick™ Application Delivery and Streaming Platform played a vital role regarding technical realisation for both nominations.
With their partnership, oneclick and ThinPrint Cloud Services offer the perfect printing solution for any cloud-based workplace.
With VDI, you centralise administrative tasks on one virtual server in a data centre: ✓ Operating Principle and Advantages ► Read more!
It is now possible to provide virtual machines in the data centres of well-known IaaS providers directly from the oneclick™ platform via the Cloud Resource Manager.
The market for DaaS providers is varied and offers systems integrators and service providers top sales opportunities.

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