Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

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Cyber attacks have become more frequent and wide-ranging. One tool to protect yourself from malicious attacks is the oneclick™ Platform.
The line between work and spare time becomes more and more blurred. How digital workspaces help to make uncompromising working patterns more flexible.
Shaping their daily working life themselves is important to German employees, as a survey entitled "Work Motivation 2016“ has shown.
Remote Desktop and/or Remote Access for private and business users ✓ Advantages and disadvantages ✓ Remote Desktop Tools ► Continue reading
oneclick™ Application Delivery and Streaming Platform played a vital role regarding technical realisation for both nominations.
With VDI, you centralise administrative tasks on one virtual server in a data centre: ✓ Operating Principle and Advantages ► Read more!
The market for DaaS providers is varied and offers systems integrators and service providers top sales opportunities.
Whichever way you voted on the 23rd June last year, there is no doubt that the ramifications of the UK’s Brexit from the European Union will continue to be debated until every T is crossed and every I is dotted, and beyond.
Computing has made a change to the way business processes are completed. Virtual workspaces are helping to make expensive computing a thing of the past.
In May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force, a European-wide data protection legal policy in all EU member states.
Digitalisation is progressing and forces companies to adapt to changed circumstances to remain competitive.
The worldwide public cloud market is dominated by AWS, however the competition is catching up and invests in infrastructure and service improvement.
In 2018, a new Europe-wide General Data Protection Regulation will come into force. Companies are already gathering information to be ready for it.
Cloud usage is booming in the German economy. However, security concerns are still an obstacle for the use of cloud technology.
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) are are two approaches to virtualise the digital workspace. VDI and DaaS both have advantages and disadvantages.

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