Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

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The intensive development work has paid off. This is the consistent opinion of the partners, who have already tested the oneclick™ Platform.
Through the flexible use of oneclick™, Vivid FM has been able to maximize user productivity and increase employee morale.
Live to work or work to live? How happy we are at work has an impact on our whole life. Here you can discover which factors make people happy in their job and who are the happiest employees.
With the current release, web applications can be integrated into the oneclick™ workspace and are secured with the built-in security mechanisms.
Virtual Desktop – the software-supported expansion of the actual desktop ✓ Advantages & Disadvantages ✓ Potentials ► Read on!
oneclick has been featured in Gartner’s "Hype Cycle for Unified Workspaces" 2018 report, as a sample vendor for Unified Workspaces and Workspace Aggregators.
Here you can discover which technical equipment employees benefit the most and what impact appealing work equipment and models, such as remote working, have on staff satisfaction.
The oneclick™ platform enables Levett Consultancy to successfully equip its clients with digital workspaces for flexible and secure working.
Companies such as Microsoft and LinkedIn have attracted a lot of attention with their creatively designed offices and innovative workspace cultures. Here you can discover what makes the workspace of the future – apart from state-of-the-art infrastructure – and which three steps have to be considered during implementation.
New technologies continue to develop location and time independent working. Here you can learn more about how to take advantage of mobile working.
From now on, SMB Shares become part of the digital workspaces in the browser, which can be provided via the oneclick™ platform.
Workspace-as-a-Service makes an entire desktop environment available and therefore allows working just as in a conventional office. ✓ Advantages & Risks ✓ Current Situation ✓ Outlook ► Read on!
Licence Management is the process within the business, which ensures efficient and legal handling of proprietary software: ✓ Advantages and Disadvantages ► Read on!
Does this sound odd? Not at all. Here’s how employers gain and retain highly qualified staff through digital workspaces - even though they are seen less often at the office.
With our latest release, we have completely remodelled the look of the oneclick™ Workspace Provisioning and Streaming Platform.

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