Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

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They are the gateway to the World Wide Web. Besides well-known browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Safari, there are also a number of other less well-known providers. Check out who has come out on top regarding secure surfing and how to find the best browser.
Many employers recognised both their employees’ digital communication competence and the benefits of Social Collaboration for the business.
How is cloud expertise doing in German companies? This year’s Cebit was an ideal opportunity for experts to gather and discuss trends all around this exciting topic.
The cloud enjoys great popularity. Its potential has been recognised and its range of services is continuously being expanded. However, with increasing opportunities, complexity in the cloud also increases.
The security check point between user and cloud: ✓ Definition ✓ Benefits ✓ Implementation ✓ All you need to know for sustainable cloud security ► Read on!
The European GDPR has been effective for one month today. On the occasion, we take a quick glance at the state of affairs.
New technologies continue to develop location and time independent working. Here you can learn more about how to take advantage of mobile working.
Current trends in Cloud Computing: ✓ German companies trust the cloud ✓ Workspace-as-a-Service ✓ Advantages & areas of application ✓ Data security ► Read on!
Workspace-as-a-Service makes an entire desktop environment available and therefore allows working just as in a conventional office. ✓ Advantages & Risks ✓ Current Situation ✓ Outlook ► Read on!
IT Concepts of the Future – What is behind BYOD, CYOD and COPE? Mobile Device Management within Organisations: ✓ Definition & Features ✓ Advantages and Disadvantages ► Read on!
Shadow IT describes all IT systems, which are not part of an organisation’s in-house IT department: ✓ Risks ✓ Reasons for Use ► Read on!
IT Asset Management, abbreviated ITAM, describes all measure and tools, which are required to optimise, procure and administer the electronic assets of an organisation. ✓ Definition ✓ Advantages & Disadvantages ► Read on!
The term Internet of Things basically means nothing else than the interconnection of objects with the internet. The aim of IoT is to capture information from the real world, connect it and make it available in a technical system.
XaaS or Everything-as-a-Service is a concept for IT, which enables all IT services to be offered in the cloud: ✓ Advantages & Disadvantages ✓ Market acceptance ► Read on!
Through digital transformation, an exciting and promising age starts for organisations. However, according to a survey by McKinsey, only every second medium sized business considers digitalization an opportunity. Read here how smaller businesses, in particular, benefit from digitalization.

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