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As part of the IMProve Programme, oneclick AG had innovation management of its development company OC Development GmbH analysed.
Initiated in 2016, the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) aims to develop, further and support initiatives as well as projects for the protection of cyber threats. At the same time, the organisation wants to strengthen the market position of European-based cyber security vendors and to make these competitive internationally.
At last year’s CeBIT, the Swiss technology start-up oneclick AG announced the launch of the Application Delivery and Streaming Platform of the same name.
The IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT) is the largest competence network for IT security in Germany and Europe. TeleTrusT supports innovative products in order to open doors for the German IT security technology industry and considers the vibrant start-up sector as a driver for the development of new, innovative IT security solutions.
In January, a joint cloud workshop with partners marked the official cooperation start between ALSO and oneclick. The two companies already signed a distribution contract last autumn.
Campaign Solution in the Call Centre at Better informed customers mean more business. regularly contacts its affiliated dealers to inform them about innovations and to them advise how they can improve showcasing their offers.
“Technologically, oneclick has realised the visionary work environment“, explains Henning Jasper, Managing Director of VAD Vanquish. oneclick AG, the vendor of the web-based application delivery and streaming platform of the same name, and VAD with sites in Oldenburg and Ergolding near Landshut, entered a distribution contract in January 2017.
As part of its strategic entry into Anglo-American market, oneclick platform UK, subsidiary of oneclick AG, gained membership of techUK. This not for profit organisation, works with IT industry and relevant stakeholders to provide advice and guidance on key technology considerations for today’s and tomorrow’s world.
Swiss information & communications technology (ICT) is a world leader in innovation and quality. The industry association swissICT offers an excellent platform for knowledge exchange and an increase in national and international visibility.
A half day oneclick workshop with members of the IT competence network kiwiko was a complete success. Presentations and a subsequent live demonstration by the oneclick board members Dominik Birgelen, Mathias Meinke and Florian Bodner inspired the representatives of twelve systems integrators.
Acceptance and trust in cloud services are key for companies’ competitiveness in an increasingly global and digital world. In view of the fast pace of innovation in information technology, the EuroCloud Association advocates the continuous development and harmonisation of legal and technical framework conditions on a national and international level.
There are an increasing number of IT innovations that change our daily life and work in a breathtaking way. The internet expands its reach of activity at a rapid speed. The physical world is more and more connected to the net.
On October 4 and 5, 2016, the 2nd annual CeBIT conference d!conomy took place in Düsseldorf. This high profile convention concentrated on knowledge transfer and networking in an increasingly digitalized world.
Mid-year, oneclick AG from Zurich, Switzerland, started marketing activities in Great Britain for their application delivery and streaming platform to break into the market place – with resounding success.
Continuous improvements of the oneclick™ application delivery and streaming platform are summarized in Release Notes.

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