Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

Digital workplaces from oneclick™ for the retail sector

On a growth track with modern and secure branch IT.

Business drivers and industry trends

E-commerce and online shopping are further on the rise, which increases the pressure on traditional retailers. The focus is therefore on standardisation and cost reduction in order to operate the most efficient sites possible. In addition, IT in retail must function reliably. Security of customer data is also a constant issue, as hacker attacks and data breaches are common.

Key industry participants: Food trade Clothing and Fashion Electronics and Technologie Furniture and Home Accessories Other Retail Trade

This is how companies from the retail sector benefit from the oneclick™ Platform

retail equip branch

Equip branch network with IT workplaces

Integrate peripheral devices

retail peripheral

"We have moved the online trade regionally to our branches. Therefore, each branch requires access to our inventory management system, which we deliver cloud-based via the oneclick™ Platform - without cumbersome on-site infrastructure adjustments."

Emilie Schneider, Head of Sales, Online Trading Company, 120 Employees

retailsave it

Save IT costs

Increase flexibility

retail increase
retail reliable working

Ensure a stable and reliable working environment

Improve data security

retail data

Cost savings and optimisation: The financial benefits of the cloud adoption in BPO

Choose between six solutions, depending on your requirements

Learn how the oneclick™ digital workplaces can make your organisation more competitive.

Contact us today for a customised solution.