Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

Digital workplaces from oneclick™ for defense organizations

Maximum safety and efficiency for critical infrastructure.

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Business drivers and industry trends

Defense organizations must constantly manage new, evolving and changing threats without compromising on security requirements. The targeted use of advanced technology is increasingly becoming the key to making operational processes more efficient while ensuring the highest level of protection.

Key industry participants: Military Technology Defense Contracts and Procurement Defense Industry Security Consulting and Services Defense and Security Training

This is how defense organizations benefit from the oneclick™ Platform

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Securely deploy IT resources

Guarantee global operational readiness

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"We have connected our security control systems to the cloud via oneclick™ to increase efficiency, so that they can be operated by specialists regardless of location. oneclick™ offers us a great security and productivity gain."

Isabella Hogan, CEO, Defence Agency, 150 Employees

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Integrate existing systems

Optimize IT costs

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Improve cyber resilience

Enable training and simulation

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Cost savings and optimisation: The financial benefits of the cloud adoption in BPO

Choose between six solutions, depending on your requirements

Learn how the oneclick™ digital workplaces can make your organisation more competitive.

Contact us today for a customised solution.