Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

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Read our contributions on current trends from the IT world, news about our company and our solution for application deployment as well as customer success stories.

Increasingly customers request services from the cloud and managed services. Systems integrators, who would like to utilise this business opportunity, have to position themselves accordingly. We have talked with ICT entrepreneurs Mike Bergmann (Exabyters) and Marcel Sternkopf (SecureHead IT) about the necessity to rethink.
oneclick was one of three manufacturers at the "ALSO MSP & VAR Partner Programme - Automotive" event, which focused on analysing potentials of digitisation.
On 12 April 2018, oneclick was a guest at the Microsoft event "Back to the Future" in Wallisellen, Switzerland. During the afternoon, the Swiss application environment was analysed and solutions presented, how applications can be modernised and migrated.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation’s effective date, 25th May 2018, causes many entrepreneurs quite a headache. We have summarised the new law’s key points for private persons and businesses in an easily understandable way.
Shadow IT describes all IT systems, which are not part of an organisation’s in-house IT department: ✓ Risks ✓ Reasons for Use ► Read on!
IT Asset Management, abbreviated ITAM, describes all measure and tools, which are required to optimise, procure and administer the electronic assets of an organisation. ✓ Definition ✓ Advantages & Disadvantages ► Read on!
The term Internet of Things basically means nothing else than the interconnection of objects with the internet. The aim of IoT is to capture information from the real world, connect it and make it available in a technical system.
XaaS or Everything-as-a-Service is a concept for IT, which enables all IT services to be offered in the cloud: ✓ Advantages & Disadvantages ✓ Market acceptance ► Read on!
Through digital transformation, an exciting and promising age starts for organisations. However, according to a survey by McKinsey, only every second medium sized business considers digitalization an opportunity. Read here how smaller businesses, in particular, benefit from digitalization.
The recently developed live webinar series will demonstrate how businesses‘ profitability and competitiveness can be increased through the implementation of cloud technologies.
Artificial intelligence, self-learning machines, virtual reality - what sounded like science fiction only a few years ago, now seems a possibility. We have put together an overview of some of this year’s and the near future’s riveting IT trends.
Read how digital transformation reshapes work and life and how companies as well as systems integrators ensure their survival in the digital age.
In the business model of every second medium-sized business, digital technologies play a major to medium-sized role.
Mobile Device Management includes the administrative management of mobile devices with the help of a dedicated software solution ► Read on!
The line between work and spare time becomes more and more blurred. How digital workspaces help to make uncompromising working patterns more flexible.

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