Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

Digital workplaces from oneclick™ for the education sector

Education rethought: Better learning experience and less administrative barriers.


Business drivers and industry trends

Schools, universities and other educational institutions face the challenge of effectively managing digitalisation and an increasing demand for distance learning and e-learning. This requires robust IT infrastructures, secure data processing and data protection as well as powerful collaboration tools. Available budgets are a limiting factor.

Key industry participants: Universities Technical Colleges Primary and Secondary Schools EdTech Adult Education

This is how companies from the healthcare sector benefit from the oneclick™ Platform

education learning

Improve learning experience

Simplify administration

education simplify

"Thanks to oneclick™, we have flexible access to cloud desktops and applications. Our teachers can teach from anywhere and students can access their workstations from home. Administration has been greatly simplified and we were able to reduce our IT costs."

Betty Conner, CEO, Online Learning Company, 100 Employees

education save

Save budget

Deploy holistic digital workplaces

education holistic

Enable collaboration

Ensure data protection and compliance


Cost savings and optimisation: The financial benefits of the cloud adoption in BPO

Choose between six solutions, depending on your requirements

Learn how the oneclick™ digital workplaces can make your organisation more competitive.

Contact us today for a customised solution.