[oc_spacer height=”15″]Software from the cloud is becoming more popular every day: now is the best time to convert your business to a SaaS model. Find out here what’s behind the terms SaaSify or SaaSification and how software vendors and end users benefit from the conversion:
Thanks to the developments in cloud computing, the way software is distributed has changed drastically in the last ten years. Software increasingly enters the cloud: The global SaaS market had a value of 10.7 billion US dollars in 2010 – by next year, it is predicted to multiply to 75 billion US dollars. Cloud-operated software delivery is growing five times faster than the traditional software market, according to saasplaza. Any software vendor who does not make its product available via the cloud is missing out: all the more reason to SaaSify your software.
This trend is closely connected to users’ changed demands: mobility, availability, flexibility, security and scalability are becoming ever more important factors of software usage. In order to keep up with these changes, it is essential for software vendors to exploit the cloud’s potential.
What is SaaS?
Software-as-a-Service – abbreviated SaaS – is a section of, and at the highest level of cloud computing. Software-as-a-Service refers to a distribution model via web browsers for software applications, which have not been purchased by the user, but are paid for dependent on usage.
These are the three main characteristics of SaaS models:
- Centralised management, centrally hosted in the cloud to enable infinite scale, on-demand
- Multi-tenancy ability to serve multiple customers on the same infrastructure, allowing consistency
- Subscription-based business model grants users access rights periodically, rather than perpetually
What does SaaSify or SaaSification mean?
SaaSify or SaaSification is the transformation of app delivery into a Software-as-a-Service model. This enables the subscription-based distribution and billing of apps.
A List of Reasons to SaaSify your Apps: Advantages for End Users
SaaSification corresponds to modern, flexible user behaviour and thus offers an attractive option of software distribution. It has a number of advantages for end users:
- Thanks to SaaSification, users can access data and apps anytime, from anywhere
- Users become completely device-independent. In this way, SaaSification increases users’ mobility and flexibility
- Improved accessibility of apps
- Improved user experience
- Users only pay for what they actually use
- Users always work with the latest version of a software
- No additional costs for updates
- Apps can be used instantly
- Failures and problems with apps are avoided, as no installation is required
- The app grows flexibly with the customer’s business, the number of licences can be constantly adjusted
- Users do not need to make a long-term commitment
A List of Reasons to SaaSify your Apps: Advantages for Software Vendors
- Customer expansion: beyond geographic borders and regardless of end devices / operating systems used
- Your apps become affordable for a larger customer base
- Shorter sales cycles, customers can test SaaS in a trial
- Faster, more effective marketing
- Development of market niches through collaboration with third-party providers
- Increase in sales through collaboration with reseller partners
- Low to no capital expenditure
- Re-write your legacy app as a web-based app
- Significantly less expensive than legacy apps in a client-server-model
- Support and technical effort are minimised
- Updates are pushed out to all customers simultaneously
- Business gains value by switching to monthly recurring revenues
- Faster responding to market conditions and customer demands
SaaSification with oneclick™
With the oneclick™ platform, native applications become cloud-enabled and can be delivered as Software-as-a-Service. This enables central customer administration and introduction of modern payment models, such as monthly subscriptions. Through the delivery of applications using oneclick™, software vendors benefit immediately from integrated security mechanisms and data protection measures of the platform.
SaaSify Legacy Apps with oneclick™
Modernisation of long-served applications, often developed by companies in-house, is becoming increasingly important. Many companies feel the pressure to modernise as old applications no longer meet today’s requirements. But legacy IT is inflexible and unwieldy. Due to the numerous links of old systems with business processes, it is a challenge to replace it with new IT. Legacy systems are used beyond their planned end of life to circumvent failure risks or conversion costs, which may occur during replacement of the programmes. In addition, there is also often a loss of expertise over years on how to maintain these applications. The oneclick™ platform for the provisioning of software applications and data, allows mobile access of legacy applications via the browser.
SaaSification will boost end customers’ user experience and software vendors will increase their revenues at the same time.
- http://info.mycloudit.com/hubfs/Resources/Ebooks/Guide%20to%20SaaSify%20Your%20Application%20in%20the%20Cloud.pdf
- https://www.saasplaza.com/news/seven-reasons-saasify-your-software
Image Credits:
- Image 1: rawpixel @ pexels.com
- Image 2: rawpixel @ pexels.com
- Image 3: pixabay @ pexels.com
- Image 4: rawpixel @ pexels.com