The latest product release now allows users of the oneclick™ application delivery and streaming platform to independently connect servers also with VNC, SSH and telnet protocols via the front end. Up to now this was reserved for RDP users only. For example, Unix and Linux servers can now also connect with oneclick™ and deliver their applications easy, quickly and securely to the devices of mobile users. “For us, this release represents a milestone in the development as customers are now able to independently communicate via oneclick™ with all common remote protocols “, explains Mathias Meinke, CTO of oneclick AG and responsible for the infrastructure of the platform of the same name. “Our gateway service normalises the different protocols and delivers them as a stream in a central, 100% web-based desktop in the browser – irrespective of the source.“
“This allows us to respond even better to the situations of our customers and their requirements“, adds Dominik Birgelen, CEO of oneclick AG. “Our customers can independently connect any existing target system without any time delay.“ oneclick™ enables a highly secure authentication and delivery of centrally provided applications. No software component needs to be installed either on servers or end devices for the streaming of oneclick™. Previously comprehensive endpoint and mobile device management can become obsolete. Only a browser is required to access in-house applications and data with any device from any location.