Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

Digital workplaces from oneclick™ for e-commerce companies

Sell more products and services, manage less IT.


Business drivers and industry trends

The e-commerce market is extremely competitive as the barriers to entry are low. Companies have to operate with low profit margins and lean but efficient structures. The demands on IT resources can vary greatly depending on the season, promotions or campaigns. All this requires an agile and efficient business model.

Key industry participants: Online Shops Multichannel Retailers Dropshipping Marketplaces Platforms

This is how e-commerce companies benefit from the oneclick™ Platform

e commerce 1@2x optimise processes

Optimise processes

Enable flexible working

e commerce 2@2x flexible working

"By using oneclick™ for the central provision of our applications and data, we are independent of local IT infrastructure at our external service partners. The lean and fail-safe setup of oneclick™ as a cloud platform has sustainably reduced our operating costs."

Mathias Schmidt, Head of Sales Operations, GmbH, Germany’s largest vehicle market, 270 Employees

e commerce 3 2@2x minimise IT costs

Minimise IT costs

Integrate external service providers into operational workflows

e commerce 3@2x int ext service prov
e commerce 4@2x increase inf security

Increase information security

Train staff and external partners

e commerce 5@2x train staff

Cost savings and optimisation: The financial benefits of the cloud adoption in BPO

Choose between six solutions, depending on your requirements

Learn how the oneclick™ digital workplaces can make your organisation more competitive.

Contact us today for a customised solution.