Gartner® Predicts 2024: build a sustainable and collaborative digital workplace infrastructure

Realise the full potential of your development teams

Promote an agile development environment and improve code security.

developer workplace

“Cloud management platforms have the highest rating in terms of user experience and developer productivity. They enable the management of private, public and multi-cloud services and resources.”

Benchmarks for Technologies That Enhance Developer Experience and Productivity, Gartner, 2023

quote niceblue

IT environment for developer workplaces

Developer workplaces require powerful machines, access to DevOps tools and secure storage options for code. In most cases, several development, test and production environments are needed simultaneously, which must be quickly adaptable. These requirements make the IT infrastructure complex and cost-intensive.


Challenges of traditional IT

Developer workplaces with oneclick™

Experience the benefits of oneclick™ digital workplaces for development environments:

  1. Swift deployment

    Enable quick setup of development environments with just a few clicks, speeding up the integration of new team members into current projects.

  2. Well-performing workstations, without investment

    Provide developers with the computing power they need for complex tasks in the cloud, without having to invest in expensive hardware.

  3. Agile adaptation to project requirements

    Scale development resources as needed to respond to changing project requirements and development cycles without delay.

  4. Central code security

    Avoid security risks by not storing the development code on employees’ end devices. All development projects are in a central, securely protected location in the cloud that is accessible at all times.

  5. Efficient teamwork

    Facilitate exchange between developers through shared resources and tools, wherever they are located.

developer workplaces laptop with icons

Examples of use



A business unit needs to build a team of developers for a new project. Different developers need access to specialised tools and powerful machines.

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with oneclick™

Moving developer workplaces to the cloud eliminates the need to invest in hardware. Each developer receives exactly the right resources.

A business unit needs to build a team of developers for a new project. Different developers need access to specialised tools and powerful machines.

Moving developer workplaces to the cloud eliminates the need to invest in hardware. Each developer receives exactly the right resources.



A team of developers in a bank has to develop a complex financial application. Strict security requirements must be met in the process.

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with oneclick™

The bank benefits from centralised security mechanisms in the cloud for regulatory compliance. This requires less time for security-related adjustments.

A team of developers in a bank has to develop a complex financial application. Strict security requirements must be met in the process.

The bank benefits from centralised security mechanisms in the cloud for regulatory compliance. This requires less time for security-related adjustments.



Developers in a fast-growing software start-up have to switch between different operating systems and development conditions, which can lead to inconsistencies.

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with oneclick™

In the cloud, pre-configured, parallel development desktops can be provided that are precisely tailored to the requirements of any project or team.

Developers in a fast-growing software start-up have to switch between different operating systems and development conditions, which can lead to inconsistencies.

In the cloud, pre-configured, parallel development desktops can be provided that are precisely tailored to the requirements of any project or team.

oneclick™ technology highlight for developer workplaces

developer workplaces cloud

Backup and disaster recovery

The backup and restore functions of oneclick™ provide development organisations with an additional layer of security. In the event of an error or data loss, individual projects or even entire development environments can be restored. This minimises downtime and provides investment protection for the company.

Choose between six solutions, depending on your requirements

Would you like personal advice on the topic of agile development environments and improved code security

Contact us and one of our consultants will get in touch with you shortly.