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What is Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS)

In our digital age the cloud becomes increasingly important. By now a lot more is possible than simply storing data online in a central location, available for all authorised users. Numerous services and software can also be offered in the cloud. Growing volumes of data, limited capacity of local hardware and the cost factor have all contributed to the significant increase in popularity of the cloud and services related to it in the past few years. Evidence of this are services such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) or concepts such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). In the past few years, these areas have been expanded further. The highlight of this expansion peaked in the concept of Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS).


What is Everything-as-a-Service?

XaaS or Everything-as-a-Service is a concept for IT, which enables all IT services to be offered in the cloud. The concept comprises all as-a-Service products, for example Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. The general aim is to make everything available via the cloud and/or as a service. Another application is Data-Intensive-Computing-as-a-Service (DICaaS), whereby Big Data is processed online in the cloud. The idea behind Everything-as-a-Service is to move more and more IT services, applications as well as hardware into the cloud and to sustainably increase the performance of companies.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Everything-as-a-Service

Everything-as-a-Service has many advantages for an organisation. A significant factor is cost savings. Products and services are usually already delivered completely ready for use. All that is left to do are  general set-up or user activation. Installation and upgrades are no longer required, nor are expensive licence costs. In addition to that, cloud services are executed with high performance on special servers. Regular upgrades or new purchases of higher performance servers or work stations are no longer necessary. Cloud services, such as oneclick, also make licence management and administration of software and users particularly easy.

However, the greatest fears, which many companies still face, is storing operational data in the cloud. cloud service providers view it as their responsibility to set up their cloud infrastructure with the appropriate technical expertise, which then offers maximum security and redundancy and ultimately convinces potential customers on a long-term basis.

Market Acceptance of XaaS and other As-a-Service Projects

Market Acceptance of XaaS

Market acceptance for the use of cloud services has increased considerably in the past years. While private users rely more and more on cloud storage, companies have found the switchover harder. Often there are internal guidelines regarding data protection, which make it difficult or sheer impossible to store company-internal data or customer information online and with a third party provider. But even here a lot has happened in recent times. Companies have become more flexible and recognised the trend towards the cloud. Furthermore, cloud service providers were able to demonstrate, that data is safe with them.
Therefore helpdesk software and Software-as-a-Service products can already be found in many companies today. The trend is increasing and the reason for this is, above all, cost savings. The simple administration and low effort required  during the operation of cloud services (i.e. no installation, no upgrades, no licence costs etc) contribute to the increasing popularity of as-a-Service products.

Prospects of as-a-Service

In the meantime, particularly popular are Software-as-a-Service services, whereby software such as MS-Word and other products are made available via the cloud. Furthermore Infrastructure-as-a-Service products are also very commonly used by companies.

Everything-as-a-Service or XaaS raises cloud technology as a whole to a new level. The concept combines a number of IT services in one term.

As a result of the current trend towards cloud technology, it should only be a matter of time before Everything-as-a-Service with its innovative concept will enjoy complete acceptance in the market place. Today already many companies review their IT guidelines relating to cloud services such as storage or Software-as-a-Service. The reason for this are decreasing costs, lower effort as well as less work during management and administration.



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